Μέσα στο 2014 δούλεψα κάποια φωτογραφικά projects! Ένα από αυτά ήταν, μαυρόασπρης φωτογραφίας. Υπήρχε ένα θέμα για κάθε μήνα!
January Theme: Still Life
February Theme: Trapped
March Theme: Minimalist
April Theme: Inspired by Literature
The Buddha went quietly on his way, lost in thought. His peaceful countenance was neither happy nor sad. He seemed to be smiling gently inwardly. With a secret smile, not unlike that of a healthy child, he walked along, peacefully, quietly. He wore his gown and walked along exactly like the other monks, but his face and his step, his peaceful downward glance, his peaceful downward-hanging hand, and every finger of his hand spoke of peace, spoke of completeness, sought nothing, imitated nothing, reflected a continuous quiet, an unfading light, an invulnerable peace.
By Herman Hesse
May Theme: Portraiture
June Theme: Time
July Theme: Architecture
Mahidol University, The Main Auditorium
Nakhon Pathom, Thailand
August Theme: When I Close My Eyes
Dreams & Nightmares
September Theme: Long Exposure
October Theme: Get Close
Get close to the divine!
November Theme: Style
December Theme: Worthy of My Wall