Αποστολέας Θέμα: New Traffic Fines To Start on 1st November  (Αναγνώστηκε 1340 φορές)

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New Traffic Fines To Start on 1st November
« στις: Οκτωβρίου 28, 2020, 13:39:44 μμ »
The new traffic fines approved by Cabinet earlier this year will come into effect on Monday 1st November 2020.
The new traffic penalties were published in the Government Gazette in August this year, and see changes to a host of minor traffic infractions.
New Fines Include:

Driving against the traffic flow or causing difficulty for the traffic (400 Baht)

Driving recklessly which may harm other drivers and properties (400 Baht)

Driving between traffic lanes (500 Baht)

Driving on footpath without necessary reason (500 Baht)

Using a mobile phone while driving (500 Baht)

Overtaking on the left side of a vehicle (500 Baht)

Not allowing faster vehicles to overtake when they indicate intention to do so (500 Baht)

Joining traffic without indicating (500 Baht)

Failing to indicate before turning (400 Baht)

Parking in a no-parking area (400 Baht)

Driving over the speed limit (500 Baht)

Failure to give way to an ambulance (400 Baht)

Riding a bicycle outside of the bicycle lane  (200 Baht)

Not wearing a helmet (400 Baht)

Passenger of motorbike not wearing a helmet (800 Baht)

Not wearing a safety belt (seat belt) while driving (400 Baht)

Operating an unregistered vehicle (500 Baht)

Driving without driving licence or unable to present driving licence when asked by police (200 Baht)

Failure to indicate to other drivers before turning, changing lane, stopping or letting them overtake (400 Baht)

Failure to have a red light at the back of the vehicle indicate that the vehicle is about to stop (400 Baht)

Failing to slow down when oncoming vehicles approach on a narrow road (200 Baht)

Ignoring traffic signals and signs installed along the roads (500 Baht)

Ignoring hand signs and whistle sounds made by traffic police (400 Baht)

Causing damage, hiding, removing, painting traffic signs installed along the road (400 Baht)

Driving vehicle without license plate (500 Baht)

Driving vehicle causing a loud noise or dragging something on the road (400 Baht)

Using flashing lights, siren lights as well as strange and loud sounds, inappropriate sound as horn (500 Baht)

Carrying goods longer than the body of vehicle without a red flag at the end of the protruding item (500 Baht)

Carrying human, animals, or items not suited for the type of vehicle as determined by the Ministry of Transport (400 Baht)

"Δικό σου είναι αυτό που δεν μπορεί να υπάρξει χωρίς εσένα"
The Little Prince - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry