0 μέλη και 1 επισκέπτης διαβάζουν αυτό το θέμα.
Εχω φωτό που είναι MB και όχι KB νομίζω ότι δεν τα ανεβάζει το imageshack , εκτός εάν κάνω κάτι λάθος .
http://reg.imageshack.us/content.php?page=faq* Are there any size restrictions for uploading files?Each image you upload must be less than 1.5 megabytes in size. If it is greater than that amount, your image will be optimized for internet use. Flash files will be rejected if they are over 1.5 mb. Video files must be less than 50MB and they will be automatically optimized by the ImageShack toolbar before uploading.