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« στις: Δεκεμβρίου 18, 2011, 16:47:16 μμ »
Μια μικρή επιλογή από 16 φωτογραφίες που εχουν σχεση με την εκμετάλλευση των πιθήκων  στην Ινδονησία.

Παρακαλείσθε να ΜΗΝ ΔΙΝΕΤΕ ΠΟΤΕ ΧΡΗΜΑΤΑ σε τέτοια "θεάματα" μπας και εκλείψουν

A monkey tears off a rubber baby doll head it is being trained to wear at Kampung Cipinang Besar, also known as "monkey village" in Jakarta, Indonesia.

Madi, a trainer, sits on a monkey cage with two of his performing monkeys in "monkey village."

A monkey lunges out of its cage in "monkey village" on June 15, 2010.

"Although forcing the animals to work on the streets is cruel, the keepers, and handlers of these animals, live in a harsh and unforgiving world of extreme poverty," Wray said, "And this is the only way they know to make a little money to survive."

A monkey peers out of its cage in "monkey village."

Madi disciplines one of his performing monkeys by threatening to hit him.

A young monkey is chained so that he must learn to stand on two feet.

Monkeys and their handler at Kampung Cipinang Besar.

A trainer moves to untie the hands of a young monkey he has been training at Kamoung Rambutan.

A masked monkey performs on the streets of Kampung Munyet.

A monkey from Kampung Cipinang Besar performs in a neighboring village.

A monkey performs at a busy intersection in Jakarta.

A monkey and its handler attempt to attract change from passers-by on a busy street in Jakarta.

A monkey practices riding a wooden horse at Kampung Cipinang Besar in Jakarta.

A young monkey being trained to stand on two feet.

A monkey in Kampung Munyet - an Indonesian village where monkeys are trained, rented, and sold.

"Δικό σου είναι αυτό που δεν μπορεί να υπάρξει χωρίς εσένα"
The Little Prince - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry