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By Tanyaluk Sakoot
The Drive Thru at Phuket Immigration is to open before the year’s end. photo: Tavee AdamPHUKET:-- Phuket Immigration is adding a ‘Drive Thru’ lane at its main office in Phuket Town in the hopes of making it quicker and easier for foreigners to complete simple procedures, including completing the mandatory 90-day reporting required of all foreigners staying on long-term visas.Phuket Immigration Chief Lt Col Kathatorn Kumthien revealed to The Phuket News today (Nov 14) that he hopes for the Drive Thru lane to be open before the New Year.“My inspiration for the Drive Thru project is that lots of tourist come to the Phuket Immigration Office in the high season for simple procedures, such as visa extensions,” he said.Full Story: https://www.thephuketnews.com/phuket-immigration-to-launch-drive-thru-service-69346.php#XGt7pGQJT1oARfGQ.97