Αποστολέας Θέμα: New rules for condo owners. Must have workpermit.  (Αναγνώστηκε 4536 φορές)

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New rules for condo owners. Must have workpermit.
« στις: Ιουλίου 09, 2016, 12:31:08 μμ »
PHUKET:-- Just over a week after condo owners were told they face jail and hefty fines if they rent out their units for less than 30 days, one condominium in Phuket has taken the step of informing its condo owners they need a work permit if they want to rent out their units.

Following consultation with lawyers, juristic staff at the Phuket Palace Condominium in Patong claim the Ministry of Labour has confirmed that condo owners who rent out their units require a work permit.
They say this is because money is exchanged for the rental of the unit.
They also claim that the proper taxation must be paid to Patong municipality.

The notice reads: “the Ministry of Labour confirmed that the owner must have a work permit because there is money in exchange for rentals and proper taxation must be paid to Patong municipality too.”

We must stress that Thaivisa has been unable to verify the claims made in the notice which is dated June 29.

It comes at time when many foreign condo owners in Phuket and throughout Thailand are confused and concerned regarding the legality of them being able to rent out their condos for periods of 30 days or less.
On Saturday July 2nd, the Phuket News reported that Phuket’s Provincial Land Office issued a formal warning to condo owners, developers and managers that renting out their properties on a daily basis was in breach of Thailand’s Hotel Act and that they could be fined or even spend up to one year in jail.

The notice read:
“To managers/developers of condominiums,
“Today, there is a lot of news about condominium developers/owners renting out rooms or buildings that they have ownership of to foreigners or tourists on a daily basis (daily rental) rate that generate income as if they were a hotel (under the Hotel Act 2004).
“This type of operation is causes a public nuisance for renters in the same complex and creates unsafe places for tourists, which may lead to loss of life and property. It is inacceptable to operate an illegal hotel. The penalty for this is up to one year in jail or a fine of up to B20,000, or both.”

The crackdown on condo owners renting out their properties was then confirmed by Phuket Vice Governor Chokdee Amornwat, the Phuket Gazette reported on Tuesday.
It is not only the authorities in Phuket which have issued warnings to property owners about renting out their condos illegally.
In May, local government officials raided residential villas and condos in Pranburi, south of Hua Hin, which were suspected of renting out rooms and operating without a hotel license.
According to local business operators, it was part of a crackdown on illegal hotel accommodation properties, reported Bill Barnett from C9 Hotelworks.

Thaivisa also understands that a similar warning about renting out rooms for less than 30 days and, as far as the authorities are concerned operating illegally as a hotel, have started to be issued to condo owners, developers and managers in Bangkok.
The move to get tough on people renting out condos follows complaints from hoteliers across Thailand who claim that many condo rooms are actually being used illegally as resorts and hotels.
Despite a record 30 million tourists visiting Thailand in 2015, occupancy rates in hotels across Thailand have been in decline for a number of years.
A report published in 2015 by hospitality consultants Horwath HTL in collaboration with the Thai Hotels Association revealed that hotel occupancy rates in Thailand had declined by 15 percent.
More recent data from C9 Hotelworks also revealed that hotel occupancy across Phuket continues to decline.
It is thought the emergence of sites such as airbnb, which enables people to rent out their properties as vacation homes could be pose a major threat to hotels not only in Thailand but globally.


"Δικό σου είναι αυτό που δεν μπορεί να υπάρξει χωρίς εσένα"
The Little Prince - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

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Απ: New rules for condo owners. Must have workpermit.
« Απάντηση #1 στις: Ιουλίου 09, 2016, 19:03:57 μμ »
To the best of my knowledge, The same rules / laws / regulations / penalties / fines / etc, regarding this issue it is not new thing.

It was always there and apply for the entire country.

It is not only for Phuket, that apply.

It will simply be enforceable allover now.

Condominium owners ( as individuals ) must obey the laws....it is as simple as that.
วันนี้เป็นวันที่ดีในเมืองไทย ..... ยิ้มแย้มแจ่มใส
It's a nice day today in Thailand....keep smiling


Αποσυνδεδεμένος thailandgr

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    • Ταυλανδη - χωρα παραδεισος
Απ: New rules for condo owners. Must have workpermit.
« Απάντηση #2 στις: Ιουλίου 16, 2016, 10:23:00 πμ »
Work permit not required to rent out condos, confirms Phuket labour chief

Despite the warning posted at Patong Palace condominium (inset), Phuket Employment Office Chief Pitool Dumsakorn says foreigners do not need work permits to collect rent from privately owned condos.
Photo: Tanyaluk Sakoot

“It is a personal arrangement between the person renting out the condo and the person renting it – it does not concern the Employment Department,” Phuket Employment Office Chief Pitool Dumsakorn told The Phuket News this week.

The news follows owners of units at the Phuket Palace condominium development, at the southern end of Patong Beach, last week receiving a warning that they must be issued work permits in order to legally rent out their units.

In the warning, delivered by a notice posted inside the Patong Palace condominium building, management at the Phuket Palace Condominium said that their lawyers had confirmed with the Ministry of Labour “that the owner must have a work permit because there is money in exchange for rentals and proper taxation must be paid to Patong municipality too.”

“There were questions that the foreign unit owners have a contract with an estate agent, to my personal knowledge the unit owner still have to apply for a work permit but no documentation from Government departments have been sent to our Juristic Person office although we know for sure that the work permit is needed, it is up to foreign unit owners to decide,” the notice continued.

However, Mr Pitoon this week plainly said that work permits were not required – at least in Phuket.

Meanwhile, the notice at Patong Palace condominium also pointed out concerns for owners of units under the “foreign quota” – the number of units foreigners are allowed to own within condo developments in Thailand.
Zurich Bread

“In actual fact, according to Thai Law, foreigners allowed to purchase under foreign quota is only allowed for personal dwelling and not for business or income,” the notice read.

The Phuket News has yet to confirm the legal status of this issue.

Regarding rental of units at the development, the notice added, “Rentals can be done from 30 days up and not less. If you are a Thai company you need not have a work permit as you have Thai directors.”

The notice was marked as issued by the “Phuket Palace Condominium Juristic Person”.

Confirmation from the Phuket Employment Office that work permits are not required in order to receive income legal rentals comes amid a crackdown by officials against properties not registered under the Hotel Act being rented out for periods of less than 30 days.

Officials last week warned that renting out condos for periods less than 30 days may incur fines or even jail time.

"Δικό σου είναι αυτό που δεν μπορεί να υπάρξει χωρίς εσένα"
The Little Prince - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry