Αποστολέας Θέμα: Travel to Thailand in the Covid-19 Era  (Αναγνώστηκε 2135 φορές)

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Travel to Thailand in the Covid-19 Era
« στις: Σεπτεμβρίου 10, 2020, 17:00:08 μμ »
Thailand to Finalize Entry Plan for Foreign Visitors by October

September 9, 2020

......a mandatory 14-day quarantine at the port of entry before being allowed to travel freely, according to Thosaporn Sirisumphand, secretary of the Center for Economic Situation Administration.



วันนี้เป็นวันที่ดีในเมืองไทย ..... ยิ้มแย้มแจ่มใส
It's a nice day today in Thailand....keep smiling


Αποσυνδεδεμένος YanniF

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Απ: Travel to Thailand in the Covid-19 Era
« Απάντηση #1 στις: Σεπτεμβρίου 10, 2020, 22:58:02 μμ »
“Phuket Model” to be re-named, expanded to all of Thailand

By Maya Taylor10-09-2020
A much-talked-about plan to reopen Phuket to international tourists is set for a rebrand and expansion. The plan, formerly known as the “Phuket Model”, is proposed to be re-named “Special Tourist Visa”, and will now cover all of Thailand. But, in its latest incarnation, the model will only allow tourists from “approved countries” to be involved.

Apparently, the Phuket plan encountered some opposition, and a lot of confusion, and so, officials have decided the best solution to all of that is to expand it nationwide.

Tossaporn Sirisamphan, from the National Economic and Social Development Board, says the plan will now be rolled out to the entire country (it’s not clear if the “entire country” wants it or will be involved in the decision).

“The Phuket Model has caused confusion and opposition… Therefore, we’ve adjusted the plan to allow foreign tourists to travel at large, since some of the provinces such as Bangkok have the capability to handle foreign tourists.”

Prior to this, the scheme was aimed at Phuket only, as a pilot model in a controlled environment, with tourists having to carry out an additional 7 days’ quarantine on top of the mandatory 14, if they wished to travel beyond the province. That requirement appears to have been scrapped, at least for today.

Tossaporn says the revised plan has the backing of Thai PM, Prayut Chan-o-cha, adding that foreign tourists admitted under the scheme will be subject to the same health restrictions as repatriating Thai nationals.

“They will undergo the same measures as Thais returning from overseas. After spending 14 days in quarantine and being cleared of the virus, they can go anywhere they wish.”

The government has yet to decide which countries these hotly-anticipated tourists will come from, with Tossaporn saying the Tourism and Finance Ministries will work together to come up with a list of qualifying countries.

Meanwhile, Tourism Authority of Thailand governor, Yuthasak Supasorn, says the Kingdom must accept the possibilityof new Covid cases once the borders are re-opened, insisting the impact can be minimised through proper risk management.

« Τελευταία τροποποίηση: Σεπτεμβρίου 10, 2020, 23:07:03 μμ από YanniF »
Life is too short to be living somebody else's dream

Αποσυνδεδεμένος ΠΑΡΗΣ

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Απ: Travel to Thailand in the Covid-19 Era
« Απάντηση #2 στις: Σεπτεμβρίου 11, 2020, 13:07:26 μμ »
Its very disturbing worrying the news we heard and unfortunately hear in the “new era” of covid-19 not only in Thailand but also in other countries.
Depending on the context, part of the population is in constant need of explanations about the dominant society and relationship among of citizens in our society.
When time in pro Covid-19 period was extremely nice we had the differences and distinctions for “good” and “bad” foreigners but what it will be about of local  citizens ‘integrations”?
The “reactions” in new era  were diverse - and also disappointing!

The Ministry of Public Health will take legal action against two groups of hot-headed teenagers who were caught fighting aggressively at an emergency room at King Mongkut Memorial Hospital on Wednesday night, September 8.
Following the incident, the groups were reportedly having a quarrel at a Thai barbecue restaurant nearby, leading to a serious weapon fight.
One of each group members, a 20-year-old teenager and a 17-year-old, were unfortunately delivered to the same hospital after being stabbed and slashed several places on their bodies. Normally patients are sent to different hospitals during incidents like this, however, was not the case this time.
CCTV footage of the hospital shows more than ten friends and relatives of one of the injured boys were waiting in front of the emergency room when the rival gang had rushed the inside of the building and began causing another chaos around 12:35 AM.
Συμμορίες τσογλαναρίας 20-17 χρόνων τσακώθηκαν στο Phetchaburi (Τhailand) σε ένα εστιατόριο και τα «θύματα» μεταφέρθηκαν για την παροχή Πρώτων Βοηθειών στο King Mongkut Memorial Hospital.
Πήγαν στο Νοσοκομείο συγγενείς των θυμάτων να τους δουν και έγινε το «μπάμ»……..επέστρεψε η «αντίπαλη» ομάδα των νεαρών ηλικίας 20-17 ετών οπου έβγαλαν μαχαίρια και «άλλα οπλα» όπως αναφέρει το reportage και έγινε «το σώσε» ούτε η Αστυνομία στην αρχή δεν μπόρεσαν να τους χωρίσουν.
Πλάνα από το CCTV του νοσοκομείου δείχνει ότι περισσότεροι από δέκα φίλοι και συγγενείς ενός από τα τραυματισμένα άτομα περίμεναν μπροστά στο δωμάτιο έκτακτης ανάγκης όταν η αντίπαλη συμμορία έσπευσε το εσωτερικό του κτιρίου και άρχισε να προκαλεί επεισόδια.

Τα τσογλάνια ανα τον κόσμο ζουν στην καρακοσμάρα τους με προσωπικές vendettas.
Όταν διαβάζουμε κολοσσοί όμιλοι αεροπορικών εταιρειών απολύουν χιλιάδες Προσωπικό και Προσωπικό καμπίνας ενώ πολυεθνικές σαν την Man -Stayer απολύουν και άλλους 9,500 εργαζομένους ……..είναι καιρός για «αντριλίκια»;
The opponent of all of us is the high unemployment rates and not personal vendettas!

« Τελευταία τροποποίηση: Σεπτεμβρίου 11, 2020, 13:09:33 μμ από ΠΑΡΗΣ »
Youtube :Sensual Kim Basinger Striptease in 9 1/2 Weeks Movie

Αποσυνδεδεμένος thailandgr

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    • Ταυλανδη - χωρα παραδεισος
Entry Scheme into Thailand through TEST AND GO
« Απάντηση #3 στις: Φεβρουαρίου 27, 2022, 15:03:29 μμ »
Information nd an infographic released by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs about the revised measures for entry to Thailand that start on 1st March.

Entry Scheme into Thailand through TEST AND GO (Revised measures effective from 1st March 2022) ✈️
- Fully vaccinated (received at least 14 days prior to departure)
- Travelers from all countries/territories

1. Passport
2. Certificate of Vaccination
- Aged 12-17 may be vaccinated with only 1 dose of vaccination
- Unvaccinated children aged under 18 must register and travel with their parent or legal guardian
3. Paid SHA Extra+ / AQ Hotel booking confirmation for 1 day including the fee for 1 RT-PCR test, 1 ATK self-test kit and airport transfer
4. Insurance with minimum coverage of 20,000 USD for medical expenses
- Not required for Thai nationals or foreign nationals who have Thai social security / confirmation letters from employer in Thailand

1. Register on Thailand Pass at https://tp.consular.go.th/

"Δικό σου είναι αυτό που δεν μπορεί να υπάρξει χωρίς εσένα"
The Little Prince - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry